BPW Foundation conducts evidence-based research and programming to empower all working women.  We have conducted targeted research on sub-populations including Women Veterans, Young Careerists, and Women in the Green Economy.  By studying these sub-populations of working women, we are able to apply lessons learned and shared experiences across the entire spectrum of working women.

  • Women Veterans– provides resources and support to women veterans transitioning from the military into their civilian lives. The focus has been educating veterans and employers on the support necessary for a successful re-entry into the workforce.
  • Young Careerist – an examination of the needs and challenges of Generations X and Y women in today’s multi-generational workplace. This project gives voice to a distinct group of working women who are vital to developing a diverse and skilled workforce.
  • Women and the Green Economy – is a research and program priority to ensure that women are represented and have access to careers of the future.
  • The WOMENomics Toolkit a signature grassroots program that brings together local businesses, government, educational institutions, and civic organizations in your community to explore workforce and workplace issues and challenges.